
Current Services

  • Individual therapy (in person and telehealth options)

  • Individual and Group TCTSY (in person and virtual options)

  • Workshops for providers

  • Consultation

  • Supervision

I accept self pay clients at a rate of $150/60 minute session and $75/30 minute session for individual therapy and/or stand alone TCTSY sessions. Groups will be offered throughout the year.

While therapy sessions are only available to individuals located in Arkansas, TCTSY is available virtually for individuals all over the world.

Sessions for Trauma Survivors

Together we will practice forms, movements and breathing to help you connect with your body in a safe way and at your own pace.  This practice has no hands-on assists, and no prior yoga experience is necessary.  The practices can be done in a chair, or on a yoga mat.  You don’t have to be flexible, fit or strong, and no special yoga clothes are required. We start where you are.

Individual and small group sessions are available.  If you are not my psychotherapy client, you may choose to be in individual therapy in order to have a place to process your experience.

Sessions for Social Services / Health Care Agencies

For Your Clients; TCTSY is a wonderful complementary therapy for clients with trauma backgrounds to practice stress reduction and self-care, and to learn interoception; the ability to identify internal bodily sensations and stimuli.

Self-care for Helping Professionals; TCTSY can serve as a valuable self-care practice for social service staff, health care workers, and other helping professionals. This is an opportunity for therapists to connect with their embodied experience through yoga. We explore how the body holds the narrative of our lived experience and carries traumatic and painful memories, even long after they’ve occurred. 

TCTSY for Perimenopause and menopause

Menopause is an invitation to get to know ourselves better and upgrade our physical, mental and emotional selves to the best version possible.” ~ Gabriella Espinosa 

 Menopause can make women feel as though they don’t recognize their own bodies with symptoms such as low energy, irregular sleep, brain fog, and hot flashes. Becoming acquainted with your body through Trauma Center Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) could be useful to women experiencing menopause. 

There are yoga forms for rest and restoration, tension release, Meno-rage, as well as forms to reenergize, and rebuild strength and bone density. Yoga can also be useful in improving emotional symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

 One of the triggers for increased menopause symptoms is stress, yoga is proven to reduce stress levels, bring us into the calming parasympathetic nervous system, and balance hormones. Yoga can support balancing our endocrine system by reducing stress levels and offering introspection and calming of mental stressors. 

Menopause can feel overwhelming, having the tools to stay present, calm, and feel strong through practicing TCTSY could be useful to empower women to face these physical and emotional challenges.

 While TCTSY was developed for those who have experienced complex trauma, almost anyone can benefit from this supportive yoga.

TCTSY supports participants to: 

  • connect with the sensations in their bodies 

  • increase feelings of empowerment 

  • rebuild and strengthen relationship to self and others remain in the present moment 

No yoga experience is needed. If you feel this style of practice is useful to you, you’re welcome in class. 

What to expect in the sessions? There are no hands-on assists in these sessions. You are in charge of your own body. You have choices about how you want to interact with your body and the yoga forms during these sessions. As the facilitator, I will be practicing with you. You are welcome to follow along with my forms or you may like to choose forms that are suitable for your body and your yoga practice.